Image - Before Treatment
This oil painting has reportedly been through a fire, and had evidence of tiny pockmarks and blistering in isolated areas throughout the composition from the fire’s heat. Chemical abrasion and skinning (thinning of the painted surface) were identified as the result of the painting being previously over-cleaned. An artist’s signature - “R. Swaim” in the lower left corner shows a rectangular outline identifying that the signature was salvaged from another part of the painting and patched into the current painting’s configuration. There are remnants of old discolored varnish, dirt, and soot on the painting’s surface that were not completely removed during the post-fire conservation effort. In addition to the remnants of old dirt, varnish, and thick brush coating of natural resin varnish previously applied by a restorer; the painting was covered with a layer of red-brown overpaint to hide the damage caused by the fire. Close inspection of the painting found that in addition to the blistered paint, the paint layer was also cracked and tenting. One consolation from the fire was that the paint layer did not seem to have been scorched/burned/or permanently darkened. Along with the tenting and flaking paint issues, the canvas was found to be in an extremely weakened state and should be lined onto a secondary canvas support for future stability.
You can view the original painting before the fire here